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Achdut Efshari - Unity Is Possible

Post October 7/Simchas Torah, the great cry throughout the Land is United, we will be victorious. Ask anyone how to achieve it, they shrug their shoulders and say I have no clue. The Foundation has more than a clue. This is the plan.


Thousands of Israelis come daily to large shopping malls throughout the country. Raanana, a city of 80,000 people 20 kilometers north of Tel Aviv, is no exception. We are there, as observant Jews actively engaging our non observant brothers in candid conversations regarding the divide between the two communities. One might think that the average shopper would avoid engaging. Yet, the reality is the opposite. VIrtually everyone approached becomes involved in a lively and deeply meaningful conversation about the concerns they have regarding the religious population, be it serving in the army, isolating themselves from the general population, failing to participate in the workforce, as well as many other concerns. The CONNECTIONS staff listens intently and responds with reason and intelligence. The result is an instant CONNECTION. Those engaged feel they have been heard, their concerns have been validated and find the religious spokesman to be reasonable, honest and thought through. A relationship has been initiated. Much work remains to be developed, but an opening that rarely occurs in Israel has been spawned. The Teach them phase now becomes critical.


The learning is strictly one on one. No classes, not even small study groups. This way the teacher is able to present the material in a way that speaks directly to the concerns and needs of the student he is teaching. The student is encouraged to confront the ideas, to assess whether or not he thinks they are accurate and to the extent they are, how he is going to change his life to live in accordance with what he has determined to be true.


Thousands of years ago in the Land of Israel, Avraham would seek out wayfarers and he and his wife, Sara, would provide food and drink for them. In this tradition, The CONNECTIONS staff have inspired religious individuals to befriend their non religious neighbors with Festival appropriate foods on the eve of the main Festivals. So far example, prior to Rosh HaShana, gifts of apples and honey, on Chanukah, sufganiyot (jelly donuts) and on Purim, gifts of hamantaschen and wine. Neighbors, who otherwise rarely interact, are now enjoying one another and getting to know their neighbors from the other side. These planned acts of kindness, break the ice and allow the heretofore glass walls to come down some. Yet, much work remains to be done. Now that we have reached them, we must teach them.

About Us

Meet Our Founder

This initiative is being led by Mr. Sender Axelbaum, a veteran community organizer and accomplished educator. He is a talmid of Rabbi Noah Weinberg and currently draws his inspiration from Rabbi Dovid Lapin.

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